Friday, December 24, 2010

11 second

I was going to enter the 11 second club this month, I swear. Something came up and I ran out of time for this month's competition (and it was a snippet from Galaxy Quest too!). But I'm definitely in for next months.

Oh yeah, I keep meaning to buy Flip book but everytime I get caught up in another project, so now I'm reminded how lazy I am with the giant watermark on the render. It's a great software for lipsync and even finished pieces. I just use it though for quickly blocking out animations. Flash was okay, but sometimes the vector drawing stuff can get annoying. The program just has some weird mouse clicking issues that I had to get used to when setting new frames, holds and what not. (Thank god for that Jason Ryan tutorial!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Camera 1

Camera 2
Finished. I'm still not happy with the timing and I tihnk I like the start better in the block out, but gotta call it and move on.

WIP for DW 5: Animation

Added major animation and tweaked timing. Still working on smoothing out the camera.

Added a camera. Rough blocked out animation.

My rigs

WIP for DW 5

Choose this as my rough animatic for Dominance Wars 5